As I’ve watched Apolonia Nuncio compete in jiu-jitsu super fights since the age of 7, and she has easily been one of my favorite grapplers to cheer for…
High School

One Hendry County High School Goes A Little Far With Senior Prank, Another Goes Way Too Far
Throughout high school history, seniors have pulled some sort of prank. And although I can’t recall what my senior class did for our prank, I know we pulled…

Video: School Withholding Diplomas Of ‘Stone Cold Stunner’ Students
The only reason I went to my high school graduation was because my mom made me go. I think school administrators let their power go to their heads.…

HS Girls’ Basketball Team Goes Scoreless
In competitive team sports, I’m one that believes that you should try to crush your opponents, it doesn’t matter how terrible they are. If you’re able to go…

Video: HS Basketball Player Posterizes Defender With Dunk
As this kid gets old and matures, he will learn to make better choices in life. Trying to take this charge, not the best decision to make. This…
Video: Kid Gets KO’d While Wearing “Beast Mode” Shirt
If you’re going to wear a shirt that says “Beast Mode”, well, be prepared to hit the switch. This young lad decided he wanted to pick a fight…
HS Baller Victor Dukes with Poster Dunk (Video)
Quite possibly one of the nastiest in-game dunks I’ve ever seen….