White mediocrity, and their racism, never fail to surprise me. “Trolls on the notorious site’s /pol (a.k.a. “politically incorrect”) forum have been circulating fake Nike coupons for “people…
Colin Kaepernick

Photo: Louisiana Mayor Has Banned Parks and Recreation Department From Purchasing Nike Because of White Mediocrity
Show of hands, who can pick out Kenner, La on a map without using the internet?… I didn’t think so. E. Ben Zahn III, mayor of Kenner, La,…

Video: Nike Releases ‘Dream Crazy’ Commercial Featuring Colin Kaepernick Following Criticism From White Mediocrity
I will never comprehend people being triggered over Colin Kaepernick’s silent protest. The only logical explanation I can suggest is that those who disagrees with Colin Kaepernick protesting…

Photo: Peak White Mediocrity Is When You Pretend To Set Your Nike Kicks On Fire For Attention (Updated)
It was only a matter of time before some racist idiot would put himself in the hospital because their racism, and hatred towards anyone not white, trumped racial…

White Mediocrity Big Mad Over Nike’s 30th Anniversary “Just Do It” Campaign Featuring Colin Kaepernick
Can you taste that? *licks lips* That’s the tears of white mediocrity crying over Nike’s 30th Anniversary “Just Do It” ad campaign, which features civil rights advocate and…

Colin Kaepernick Becomes Face Of Nike’s 30th Anniversary “Just Do It” Campaign
Colin Kaepernick is one of the faces of Nike’s 30th anniversary “Just Do It” campaign. Kaepernick released a photo on Twitter which featured the message “Believe in something. Even…

Video: Tyrese Post #MannequinChallenge Video Depicting Police Violence Against Blacks
The first mannequin challenge video I saw was well done; I was unaware of this new internet phenomenon. The mannequin challenge is when someone stands motionless in a position, typically depicting some…