
Video: 15-year-old Protester Maced and Called a “Goddamn Communist, Nigger Lover!”

Trump supports are living the Thug Life, no doubt. In a recent post about the Free Hugs Project going to both Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders rallies to…

Video: White Teen Girl Gets KOd After Calling Black Peer The N-Word

We have another case of when keeping it real goes wrong. No idea on how these two came to be toe to toe, but when the video starts,…

Video: Minorities Spat Upon and Pushed at Donald Trump’s Rally

Living in a world at a time where Donald Trump is running for President of the United States, this doesn’t seem real. This honestly feels like a satirical movie, a…

Video: Louis CK Pushes Envelope While Hosting SNL

I for one, find Louis CK to be hilarious. Whether you agree with the content of his comedy, there’s no denying he makes people laugh. Hosting the 40th season…