I, personally, was looking forward to the Conor McGregor vs Mayweather press conferences than the fight itself.
Today was the kickoff to the #MayMacWorldTour, and it was a little disorganized, especially compared to a UFC presser. Conor got the jobbers entrance, he just walked on stage and paced for several minutes. Floyd Mayweather got the ‘A’ side entrance with the entourage, music, etc.
Mayweather chose to go the track suit route, while Conor went with the custom suit. How custom was his suit? Conor McGregor replaced his pinstripes with “Fuck You” pinstripes. Well done, Conor, well done.
The suit pic.twitter.com/jSqV9m2eNK
— Brett Okamoto (@bokamotoESPN) July 11, 2017
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