Andrew Jackson… He Gone! *Hawk Harrelson voice*
I remember hearing about Harriet Tubman replacing Alexander Hamilton on the $10 bill last year but honestly didn’t think it would happen. I know that we currently have a black president, and some things are moving in the direction of ‘equality’, but to make a change on a bank-note, highly unlikely.
Today, I’ll admit, I was wrong. Several news outlets, including POLITICO.COM, are reporting that Harriet Tubman will indeed be featured on a bank-note, just not the $10 bill. After backlash from Hamilton supporters, Treasury Secretary Jack Lew decided to go with Andrew Jackson and the $20 bill. Hamilton helped create the Treasury Department and the modern American financial system, so it seems like a bad move to replace him.
Andrew Jackson will not be completely removed from the $20 bill, he will likely remain on the back. It is also said that Lew is expected to roll out a set of changes that also include putting leaders of the women’s suffrage movement on the back of the $10 bill, and incorporating civil rights era leaders and other important moments in American history into the $5 bill.
With this major change, I wonder how many people will no longer carry a $20 bill?
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