Video: Muay Thai Technique with Kru Bob 8

This is a technique used to off balance opponent when blocking off hips.

Video: Muay Thai Technique with Kru Bob 7

This is a technique used to sweep off of a caught kick.

Video: Muay Thai Technique with Kru Bob 6

This is a technique used to counter the teep with a reverse elbow.

Video: Muay Thai Technique with Kru Bob 5

This is a technique used to get inside on a longer opponent, to utilize the dump.

Video: Muay Thai Technique with Kru Bob 4

This is a technique used to deceive your opponent, and to land a low kick.

Video: Muay Thai Technique with Kru Bob 3

This is a technique used to deceive your opponent, and to land the liver kick.

Video: Muay Thai Technique with Kru Bob 2

This is a technique used to dump your opponent when they have double under hooks.