White Privilege

Video: Black Woman Intervenes, With Her Hands, When Racist Thug Calls Black Guy “Monkey Man” At Sushi Restaurant

Okay, first off, why can’t Black people just do Black people stuff without being harassed by white mediocrity and its henchmen? Secondly, why can’t said yakibian devils just…

16-Year-Old Son Knocks Out Elderly Father Over Dinnertime Texting Outside of Cape Cod Restaurant

I had an idea of this thug’s race when I read the headline. I then saw the incident happened outside of restaurant in Cape Code, Massachusetts, which is…

Video: Thugs Demonstrate White Privilege By Walking Into Police Station While Open Carrying

Honestly, I get the point these guys were trying to make, even though it’s a ridiculous one. James V Baker and his posse paid a visit to the Dearborn…

Black Georgia State Student Asked To Give Up Seat In Packed Classroom For Late White Student

I’ve been the only black student in a class full of white people; hello Texas A&M. I commend Drew for how he handled this classroom situation. I personally would…

Stanford Swimmer Who Raped Unconscious Woman Gets Short Sentence Because #WhitePrivilege

Given the current state of race issues in our country, I’m not the least bit surprised. We all know this would be a different story if the person…