Video: Miracle Mattress Closing “Indefinitely” After Backlash From Offensive 9/11 Commercial

In today’s society, people are ready to whine and complain at just about everything these days. Many of those things warrant little to no attention at all.

On the other hand, the 9/11-themed commercial that San Antonio’s Miracle Mattress posted to highlight their “Twin Tower” sale, was just about as insensitive as someone could be.

What better way to remember 9/11 than the Twin Tower Sale?” a Miracle Mattress spokesperson says in the commercial. “Right now you can get any sized mattress for twin price.” Then, after calling out Miracle Mattresses sale offers, two men throw themselves into stacks of mattresses resembling the World Trade Center, toppling them over. “We’ll never forget,” the spokesperson says, ending the ad with a smile.

Miracle Mattress’s Facebook page released a statement from the owner, saying they would be closing its doors indefinitely due to the backlash.


1 reply on “Video: Miracle Mattress Closing “Indefinitely” After Backlash From Offensive 9/11 Commercial”

  • everybody makes mistakes but I still need a mattress when will you be up and running again good move though


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